Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Why the stock market crashed

Recently the stock markets all across the world went down tremodusly due to the Chinesh market. The reason the chinesh market caused everything to go down is because the chinesh market wanted to fix up there stock and get rid of illegal stocks, this is what caused everything to go down dramatically.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Opportunity Cost's

Oppurtunity Cost

There were many oppurtunity cost situations that occured in my life such as the time I joined the basketball team instead of getting a job after school. I could have been making money to save up for college and having extra money to buy what I need. Istead joining the basketball team made me more mature , helped me learn to work as a team player, make real good friends and help me have a extra curricular sport on my resume to help me for my life it can help me get a job and help for college.

Friday, February 16, 2007

