Saturday, May 26, 2007

United States trade deficit getting bigger at a scary rate

America's trade deficit stunningly not getting any better, this is because were giving off more american made goods then what were getting in return. The S&P says that they tradedhalf of its goods to foreign countries. They say that this will narrow the gap in between the goods for this year and will contribute to the country's economy for the first time in about a 10 years. Some say after this then jobs will open up more and will help the U.S. bounce back from its slowest economic growth in years

high price for easy credit

The $ of rate for little things like having a savings account has became harder over the years ever since the mid 80's. The interest rate for multiple types of loans have gone up a dramatically . This has put many Americans in debt because the loans turned out to be whole lot more then they assumed from the get go. An average family like the one in the newspaper make 66,000 $ a year. This is pretty average for an American family but with rate percentages going up they figure taking out varoius loans can help them away from debt but instead makes it inevitable.

Taxes- How does U.S.A goverment spend its dollars

The government and states charge us many different taxes, for several reasons. In general, these taxes (on all different levels of government) help to pay for different things. Such as security, SSI, and their communities. The different taxes are Income Tax which is determined by the amount of money earned annually, Excise Tax is the tax determined by the manufacturing of certain goods and/or services, Property Tax is the tax for the payer's possesions and Sales tax is similar to an Excise tax in that it involves goods and services, only difference is that sales tax deals with general goods and services, while excise deals with specific ones

Student Loan- beware of the loan or you will be in a big hole

When I completed reading the Top Chefs article in the New York times, I thought that these young students took out too many loans but they had dreams to follow in the shadow of successful, professionals chefs .Even though they invested so much money in loans, most of the time they don't even make it to the big stage like there preddasors and cant get a job after graduating because they are in so much debt that they to struggle from paycheck to paycheck. I think that student loans are a good thing for some people that need a little extra help to pay school, . A loan of 40,ooo is so much money but some people can find a way to pay it back and some just can't. I plan on taking a loan of 20,000 so Ican pay for college. I'm going to work during school to start paying some of it, so when I graduate I wont be in such a big debt