Sunday, June 10, 2007

How to save the green paper

The story was about how columnist wrote a part in the newspaper regarding the amount of debt that college graduates have to face as soon as they get their diplomas. It also states the importance of saving and how a little money you save monthly for example around 400 dollars, can add up to thousands that you can retire to by the time you reach 60-70 years old.
A tip that the author said and use was that to apply a plan to my life saving around 150 dollars a month for for 30 years. If I stick to this plan for 30 years I'll be able to retire and move to hawiia and live the good life simping on coconut nector

Saturday, May 26, 2007

United States trade deficit getting bigger at a scary rate

America's trade deficit stunningly not getting any better, this is because were giving off more american made goods then what were getting in return. The S&P says that they tradedhalf of its goods to foreign countries. They say that this will narrow the gap in between the goods for this year and will contribute to the country's economy for the first time in about a 10 years. Some say after this then jobs will open up more and will help the U.S. bounce back from its slowest economic growth in years

high price for easy credit

The $ of rate for little things like having a savings account has became harder over the years ever since the mid 80's. The interest rate for multiple types of loans have gone up a dramatically . This has put many Americans in debt because the loans turned out to be whole lot more then they assumed from the get go. An average family like the one in the newspaper make 66,000 $ a year. This is pretty average for an American family but with rate percentages going up they figure taking out varoius loans can help them away from debt but instead makes it inevitable.

Taxes- How does U.S.A goverment spend its dollars

The government and states charge us many different taxes, for several reasons. In general, these taxes (on all different levels of government) help to pay for different things. Such as security, SSI, and their communities. The different taxes are Income Tax which is determined by the amount of money earned annually, Excise Tax is the tax determined by the manufacturing of certain goods and/or services, Property Tax is the tax for the payer's possesions and Sales tax is similar to an Excise tax in that it involves goods and services, only difference is that sales tax deals with general goods and services, while excise deals with specific ones

Student Loan- beware of the loan or you will be in a big hole

When I completed reading the Top Chefs article in the New York times, I thought that these young students took out too many loans but they had dreams to follow in the shadow of successful, professionals chefs .Even though they invested so much money in loans, most of the time they don't even make it to the big stage like there preddasors and cant get a job after graduating because they are in so much debt that they to struggle from paycheck to paycheck. I think that student loans are a good thing for some people that need a little extra help to pay school, . A loan of 40,ooo is so much money but some people can find a way to pay it back and some just can't. I plan on taking a loan of 20,000 so Ican pay for college. I'm going to work during school to start paying some of it, so when I graduate I wont be in such a big debt

Friday, March 16, 2007


Hi, this is my review of a podcast by Uchenna and Kareem. From the get go the podcast was very interesting alot of detail and information and good pictures to good with the valid information. The only negative perspective I have is that they could of had a better intro a good picture to get the viewer interested. The way they were talking about the F.E.D(Federal Reserve) seems like they been doing it for years like they work for the Ferderal Reserve. There tone of voice was excellent. The pictures were good in detail and very helpful. The information they had was veryhelp I learned new things about he federal reserve I didn't know. This was a great podcast, one of the best. If I could give a grade on this I would give a 95 on it.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Insider Trading Scandal - What Happened?

The thing that really occured was that people who worked for there companys got information that their stocks are declining. Once they obtain the information that its going down they tell others about it and they sell their stock and the profit of the stocks go down dramitacally. This is why its illegal .

Compound Interest and the rule of 72

The Compound Interest is the calculation of how much money earned in a certain amount of years depending on the percentile gain. You can only gain per year after you set the money aside for saving. 72 is simple its an equation where each person can determine the exact amount money the earned and how long it will take them to double there money.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Types of economic systems

-Traditional Economies
-Centrally Planned (Command) Economy
-Market Economy
-Mixed Economy

These are the four types of economic systems each one varies from the next. Traditonal economies are economies that are found in rural, non developed countries, customs govern the econmoic decisions that are made, technology is not used in traditonal economies , men and women have differernt roles in this system. The peoples roles are passed down from there parents and grandparents.

The 2nd type of economic system is
Centrally Planned (Command) Economy. It is is an economic system in which the state or goverment controls the factors of production and makes all decisions about their use and about the distribution of income. In such an economy, the planners decide what should be produced and direct enterprises to produce those goods.

The 3rd system is Market Economy. It is an economic system in which the production and distribution of goods and services takes place through the mechanism of free markets guided by a free price system rather than by the state in a planned economy.

The 4th is a mixed economy its an economy that has a mix of economic systems. It is usually defined as an economy that contains both private-owned and state-owned enterprises[1] or that combines elements of capitalism and socialism, or a mix of market economy and command economy.[2]

Types of economic systems

-Traditional Economies
-Centrally Planned (Command) Economy
-Market Economy
-Mixed Economy

These are the four types of economic systems each one varies from the next. Traditonal economies are economies that are found in rural, non developed countries, customs govern the econmoic decisions that are made, technology is not used in traditonal economies , men and women have differernt roles in this system. The peoples roles are passed down from there parents and grandparents.

The 2nd type of economic system is
Centrally Planned (Command) Economy. It is is an economic system in which the state or goverment controls the factors of production and makes all decisions about their use and about the distribution of income. In such an economy, the planners decide what should be produced and direct enterprises to produce those goods.

The 3rd system is Market Economy. It is an economic system in which the production and distribution of goods and services takes place through the mechanism of free markets guided by a free price system rather than by the state in a planned economy.

The 4th is a mixed economy its an economy that has a mix of economic systems. It is usually defined as an economy that contains both private-owned and state-owned enterprises[1] or that combines elements of capitalism and socialism, or a mix of market economy and command economy.[2]

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Why the stock market crashed

Recently the stock markets all across the world went down tremodusly due to the Chinesh market. The reason the chinesh market caused everything to go down is because the chinesh market wanted to fix up there stock and get rid of illegal stocks, this is what caused everything to go down dramatically.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Opportunity Cost's

Oppurtunity Cost

There were many oppurtunity cost situations that occured in my life such as the time I joined the basketball team instead of getting a job after school. I could have been making money to save up for college and having extra money to buy what I need. Istead joining the basketball team made me more mature , helped me learn to work as a team player, make real good friends and help me have a extra curricular sport on my resume to help me for my life it can help me get a job and help for college.